The Martha and Vincent Wagar Intellectual Disability and Autism Research Fund Graduate Student Awards

The Martha and Vincent Wagar Intellectual Disability and Autism Research Fund Graduate Student Awards

What is the Martha and Vincent Wagar Intellectual Disability and Autism Research Fund?

Established in 2021 from the estate of Vincent Wagar, this fund is to provide support for intellectual disability and/or autism research within the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.  

The Martha and Vincent Wagar Intellectual Disability and Autism Research Fund award provides graduate students in the Faculty of Health Sciences the opportunity to pursue leading-edge research, specifically in the areas of autism and/or intellectual disability. Specifically, the fund will support costs (e.g. salaries, supplies, equipment) related to innovative projects underway in the area of intellectual disability and/or autism research in the Faculty of Health Sciences.  

This annual award competition is designed for candidates who demonstrate excellence in their research and are interested in or are pursuing graduate/post-doctoral work related to autism and/or intellectual disability in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Graduate student and post-doctoral fellow awards will be awarded on the recommendation of a selection committee. Funded through the generosity of the estate of Vincent Wager, a variable number of awards will be available each year at a value of $5,000 for Master’s-level students, $10,000 for PhD-level students, and $20,000 for post-doctoral fellows.  

Funds may be used to cover salary, supplies, research equipment, and/or reimburse expenditures including conference travel/fees, workshops, and other expenses (eligible expenses are normally, but not limited to, those allowed by the Federal Tri-Council Agencies; would comply with University policies and procedures; and must directly support the purpose of the outlined research). The award amount would be transferred to a research project account created through Health Research Services; any surplus funds remaining at the end of the project would be transferred back to the trust.


Applicants must be applying to or enrolled in a graduate (Master’s or PhD) program or post-doctoral fellowship within the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University in order to be eligible for this award.

Application Process

Applications will be requested and reviewed annually (approximately spring of each year, for a fall start date). That is, the committee will review applications during the summer and let applicants know their result, so that accounts can be created and funds can begin being accessed in the fall.

A short-list of applicants will be selected for interview by the selection committee, to be held by videoconference. Applications will be ranked based on their academic excellence and productivity, as well as the scientific merit and potential impact of their proposed research. 

Applications will consist of the following:  

  • Application form (click link to access)  
  • Cover letter/letter of intent – a brief description of the applicant’s background, interest in graduate studies, how their proposed project would be innovative and contribute to their training and career goals  
  • Curriculum vitae – using the Canadian Common CV website – CIHR Biosketch format
  • Copy of academic transcripts
  • Research proposal – description of the research project, including rationale, objective, hypothesis, methods, proposed analyses, potential impact (maximum 2 pages, single spaced)  
  • High-level research budget (click link to access template) – list of anticipated research items and approximate costs
  • Two (2) letters of reference from individuals (other than the proposed supervisor) who have supervised the applicant’s previous research or academic work
  • Confirmation letter from identified supervisor(s) to supervise the proposed research

Applicants should combine these materials into a single PDF and submit via email to

The deadline for 2023 has now passed. Thank you to all applicants for your interest!


This fellowship is possible from the generous support of the estate of Vincent Wagar, via the Martha and Vincent Wagar Intellectual Disability and Autism Research Fund. 


For questions, please contact Anna Kata at

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