MacART Trainee Travel Awards RFA – 2017

The McMaster Autism Research Team (MacART) is pleased to announce a Request for Applications for trainee travel awards! 

The MacART Trainee Travel Awards are meant to help trainees working in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) research to travel to events that will enhance their research training experience. This may include traveling to a conference or workshop, presenting their research at an event, attending a course, or visiting a research lab in order to learn from a researcher. 

Criteria for applicants: This RFA is open to students and trainees of all levels (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral fellow, medical resident, etc.) whose work is related to Autism Spectrum Disorders, as long as they are affiliated with McMaster, Hamilton Health Sciences, or MacART in some way. Only one award per trainee will be provided.

Value: Maximum $500 per individual.  The award covers registration fees, accommodation, transportation costs, etc.; expenses such as meals and entertainment costs are not eligible.

Deadline for application: Friday June 30th, 2017.

Application process: Please submit the application form, describing the following:

  • Trainee contact information
  • Details of the travel – location, dates, purpose, etc.
  • Award amount requested, and for what (i.e. itemization of expenses).
  • What do you hope to learn from this experience?
  • How will this travel help to impact/advance ASD care and research?

Submit this form to as one PDF document.

A review committee will evaluate the applications based on the following criteria:

  • Overall strength of the applicant’s learning objectives.
  • Overall significance of the learning experience to ASD care and research.

Winners will be announced at our 2nd annual MacART Research Stakeholder Symposium, to be held on Friday September 15th, 2017.

If you have any questions, please contact Anna Kata, MacART Research Coordinator at

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