MacART members at TEDxYorkUSalon – Autism Innovations

On April 22nd 2017, York University held a 2nd TEDxYorkUSalon, this time focusing on innovations for people with autism within their community and in research. These TEDxYorkUSalons provide a forum for ideas within the Canadian autism community of stakeholders. This Salon showcased 4 speakers followed by a series of lightning talks – 3 minute talks by a dozen researchers in the ASD field (from York University and other universities in the GTHA) – that showcased innovative research related to autism.

MacART was well-represented at this event, with lightning talks given by some of our members:

  • Stelios Georgiades – introducing the concept of “chronogeneity” to explore developmental change over time
  • Jane Foster – exploring the link between microbes and mental health
  • Briano Di Rezze – using a common, strengths-based language to describe social communication 
  • Diana Parvinchi – cognitive training to exercise brain networks

Click on the names above to see brief video clips of the speakers (full videos will be coming soon!). Huge thanks go out to York University and Drs. Jonathan Weiss and Jonathan Lai for hosting us for this excellent afternoon – it was exciting to not only hear about the innovation happening in the ASD field, but also to interact and collaborate with the stakeholders who will be directly impacted by this work. 

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