MacART at the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit 2020

On October 5th and 6th, 2020, the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA) held its 6th Canadian Autism Leadership Summit. The Summit’s theme this year was “Connect. Inform. Act. Sustain.” – focusing on deepening the conversation on how to link policy, practice and data around the development of a National Autism Strategy.

MacART was once again well represented at the Summit, with our members sharing our research findings, exchanging ideas, and collaborating with other members of the national autism community. This year, MacART members contributed to 6 poster presentations and participated in 2 panels. Our Founder and Co-Director Stelios Georgiades led the summit’s Keynote presentation.

“Our McMaster team has answered the call by Canada’s autism community” says Dr. Georgiades. “Our experts are working on several initiatives related to the creation of a National Autism Strategy. The knowledge generated through our research projects is advancing the autism field. Our collaborative efforts with CASDA to connect research with policy and practice are now more important than ever. I am optimistic that we are on the right track toward a national strategy that will address the needs of all autistic Canadians.”

Our members took part in the following:

Keynote session, Day 1: Pathways in ASD Team  on “Developmental Pathways of Canadian Children on the Autism Spectrum”

  • This presentation provided an update on the “Pathways in ASD” study, the largest autism follow-up study in the world. The “Pathways in ASD” research team, led by MacART Co-Director Dr. Stelios Georgiades, discussed evidence on the individual, family, community, and services factors that influence the developmental pathways in autistic children/youth from across 5 Canadian provinces.

Poster Presentations:

  • The Family Check-Up: Engaging Families in Child Mental Health Prevention and CareDr. Teresa Bennett
  • Association Between Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Status and Development of Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderDr. Ayesha Siddiqua
    • A video recording of this presentation can be viewed here.
  • Peer Mentorship Programs for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A qualitative reviewLinda Nguyen
    • A video recording of this presentation can be viewed here.
  • Presenting the Results of Autism Speaks Canada COVID-19 Pandemic Needs Assessment SurveyDr. Mackenzie Salt and Peter Soliman
    • A video recording of this presentation can be viewed here.
  • Evaluation of Autism Ontario’s Service Navigation Program – Irene O’Connor, Dr. Jean-Eric Tarride & Dr. Stelios Georgiades
  • Clarifying the Word “Information” in Autism PolicyDr. Stephen Gentles
    • A video recording of this presentation can be viewed here.

Panel Discussions:

  • IGNITE Speakers Equity panel – Addressing Disparities in a National Autism Strategy: an Equity Lens – discussant Dr. Mackenzie Salt
  • Policy Group Consultations  – discussant Dr. Stephen Gentles

As CASDA continues to facilitate the work toward a National Autism Strategy, MacART is proud to support this important goal. From implementing our research studies, to supporting the development of policy briefs, to collaborating on projects with our community partners, the hope is that the evidence generated can be used to inform the creation of a strategy that will support Canada’s autism community in a meaningful way.

MacART members presenting at the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit 2020. From top left to right: Irene O’Connor, Jean-Eric Tarride, Stelios Georgiades, Terry Bennett, Mackenzie Salt. From bottom left to right: Ayesha Siddiqua, Eric Duku, Peter Szatmari, Linda Nguyen, Steve Gentles.

MacART members presenting at the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit 2020. From top left to right: Irene O’Connor,
Jean-Eric Tarride, Stelios Georgiades, Terry Bennett, Mackenzie Salt. From bottom left to right: Ayesha Siddiqua,
Eric Duku, Peter Szatmari, Linda Nguyen, Steve Gentles.

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