
Author name: AnnaKata

A Collaborative Approach to Autism Research

A Collaborative Approach to Autism Research Read More »

Following the launch of the new Ontario Autism Program, MacART has begun the Pediatric Autism Research Collaborative (PARC) Project.  The aim of the Ontario Autism Program is to ensure child and youth ASD services are delivered consistently across the province, while the PARC Project is working to develop a research protocol that can be embedded […]

A Collaborative Approach to Autism Research Read More »

The new Ontario Autism Program and the PARC Project

The new Ontario Autism Program and the PARC Project Read More »

Today, June 26th, is the start date for the new Ontario Autism Program.  The province has worked closely with families, caregivers, advocates, clinicians and providers to build the new OAP. Some key features of the OAP include: More information on the OAP can be found here: As this new program rolls out, this also

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New autism program coming to Ontario

New autism program coming to Ontario Read More »

Today the province of Ontario announced its new autism program, set to begin on June 26th 2017.  The announcement was made by Michael Coteau, Minister of Children and Youth Services – more information can be found here: MacART is encouraged to see that input from the autism community has been taken into account to

New autism program coming to Ontario Read More »

MacART Trainee Travel Awards RFA – 2017

MacART Trainee Travel Awards RFA – 2017 Read More »

The McMaster Autism Research Team (MacART) is pleased to announce a Request for Applications for trainee travel awards!  The MacART Trainee Travel Awards are meant to help trainees working in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) research to travel to events that will enhance their research training experience. This may include traveling to a conference or workshop,

MacART Trainee Travel Awards RFA – 2017 Read More »

MacART at IMFAR 2017

MacART at IMFAR 2017 Read More »

Last week (May 10-13, 2017), the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) held its annual scientific meeting – the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Now in its 16th year, IMFAR is the oldest and largest autism research meeting in the world and only grows larger every year. More than 2,200 researchers, clinicians, and other participants

MacART at IMFAR 2017 Read More »

MacART members at TEDxYorkUSalon – Autism Innovations

MacART members at TEDxYorkUSalon – Autism Innovations Read More »

On April 22nd 2017, York University held a 2nd TEDxYorkUSalon, this time focusing on innovations for people with autism within their community and in research. These TEDxYorkUSalons provide a forum for ideas within the Canadian autism community of stakeholders. This Salon showcased 4 speakers followed by a series of lightning talks – 3 minute talks by a dozen

MacART members at TEDxYorkUSalon – Autism Innovations Read More »

Statement from MacART on World Autism Awareness Day

Statement from MacART on World Autism Awareness Day Read More »

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day – a day to recognize all those individuals around the globe who live on the autism spectrum. These are our family members, friends, classmates, and colleagues. In Canada, 1 in 68 children are currently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The McMaster Autism Research Team (MacART; is

Statement from MacART on World Autism Awareness Day Read More »

Viewpoint: Tracing autism’s trajectories could help explain its diversity

Viewpoint: Tracing autism’s trajectories could help explain its diversity Read More »

MacART co-director Stelios Georgiades has written a Viewpoint for Spectrum News, a news site that provides comprehensive analysis of advances in autism research. The opinion piece discusses the concept of ‘chronogeneity’ – the idea of studying the heterogeneity of autism features over time in order to better understand common patterns of change across children with autism,

Viewpoint: Tracing autism’s trajectories could help explain its diversity Read More »

Interdisciplinary Research Funding Awarded to Dr. Vickie Galea

Interdisciplinary Research Funding Awarded to Dr. Vickie Galea Read More »

Congratulations to Dr. Vickie Galea, who is part of a successful application to McMaster’s Interdisciplinary Research Fund (IRF). The IRF supports research projects involving two or more Faculties and is intended to build and strengthen academic, industry and community networks.  This interdisciplinary collaboration is at the core of MacART. The objective of the proposal to the IRF

Interdisciplinary Research Funding Awarded to Dr. Vickie Galea Read More »

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