High School Health Research Bursary Award Student – 2015

High School Health Research Bursary Award Student – 2015

Our partners at Hamilton Health Sciences run a highly succesful program that links HHS researchers with some of Ontario’s top science students for a work placement.  The program is designed to expose high-school students to a career in health research by providing hands-on experience in a research environment.  Through a 7-week summer internship, youth become part of a research team and have the opportunity to conduct basic or clinical research activities within one of Hamilton’s internationally renowned research programs at Hamilton Health Sciences, McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.  Upon completion of their internship, students have a better understanding of the research environment and education requirements, gain valuable research skills and techniques, as well as establish networking relationships they will carry forward throughout their academic studies.

Sandra Lee was a 2015 award recipient who worked with Dr. Terry Bennett on the Pathways in ASD study – a longitudinal study following up on children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.  Sandra helped with knowledge translation, translating research into clear language, and providing her experience as a young person.  Here is a brief video about her experience with us! 

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