COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

With most people home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these are unique times. It is important not only to keep busy but also to keep healthy and support each other as best we can. Please see the various resources below that can help us remain supported and connected as we weather this storm.  

Autism Ontario has a list of resources that include:

  • health and mental health resources;
  • information on funding sources;
  • caregiver tips;
  • tools for learning at home;
  • and online activities to keep occupied.

All of these resources can be found at:

Autism Speaks Canada has a list of resources that includes:

  • prevention tips;
  • guidance on talking to family members about this situation;
  • tips on how to handle school closures

Autism Speaks (International) has listed information for:

The Autism Science Foundation has compiled lists of resources that will be updated frequently for the following:

They have also collected resources for researchers and for service providers.

The Child Mind Institute has comprehensive resources for parents, including information on how to support and talk to children about the COVID-19 situation, and daily Facebook Live chats with healthcare providers.

Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) has published a guide called Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times.

The Families First research team at the Offord Centre for Child Studies has created a list of educational and fun activities online. The guide can be found here.

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